
> by definition a creative/emergent problem is one where you have to bring
> about a given effect by finding radically new kinds of objects that move or
> relate in radically new kinds of ways -  to produce that effect. By
> definition, you *do not know which domain is appropriate to solving the
> problem,* (what kinds of objects or moves are relevant),  let alone have a
> set of instructions to hold your hand every step of the way -   and the
> eventual solution will involve crossing hitherto unrelated domains.
> That, as Kauffman also insists, is an absolute show stopper. Which is why
> the show that is AGI cannot not only not go on, but hasn't even started.

This is just an argument by reference to authority ... Stu Kauffman wrote a
book saying X, therefore we're supposed to believe X is true???

He certainly did not convincingly demonstrate in any of his books or papers
that AGI cannot deal with creativity in the same sense that humans can...

These discussions get **so** tiresome... I am soon going to stop
participating in threads of this nature...

ben g

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