On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 4:04 PM, Eric Burton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > "Ben Goertzel says that there is no true defined method
> > to the scientific method (and Mark Waser is clueless for thinking that
> there
> > is)."

That is not what I said.

My views on the philosophy of science are given here:


with an addition here


The argument with Mark* *was about his claim that a below-intelligence human
could be trained to be a good scientist ... then modified to the claim that
a below-intelligence human could be trained to be good at evaluating (rather
than discovering) scientific results.  I said I doubted this was true.
*I still doubt it's true.  Given the current state of scientific
experimental and statistical tools, and scientific theory, I don't think a
below-average-intelligence person can be trained to be good (as opposed to,
say, barely passable) at discovering or evaluating scientific results.*   *This
is because I don't think the scientific method as currently practiced has
been formalized fully enough that it can be practiced by a person without a
fair amount of intelligence and common sense.

My feeling is that, if someone needs to use a cash register with little
pictures of burgers and fries on it rather than numbers, it's probably not
going to work out to teach them to effectively discover or evaluate
scientific theories.*

*Again, I don't understand what this argument has to do with AGI in the
first place.  I'm just continuing this dialogue to avoid having my
statements publicly misrepresented (I'm sure this misrepresentation is
inadvertent, but still).*

> This is pretty profound. I never saw Ben Goertzel abolish the
> scientific method. I think he explained that its implementation is
> intractable, with reference to expert systems whose domain knowledge
> necessarily extrapolates massively to cover fringe cases. A strong AI
> would produce its own expert system and could follow the same general
> scientific method as a human. Can you quote the claim that there is no
> such thing
> -------------------------------------------
> agi
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Ben Goertzel, PhD
CEO, Novamente LLC and Biomind LLC
Director of Research, SIAI

"Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must be first
overcome "  - Dr Samuel Johnson

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