On Mon, Oct 20, 2008 at 5:29 PM, Abram Demski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ben,
> "[my statement] seems to incorporate the assumption of a "finite
> period of time" because a finite set of sentences or observations must
> occur during a finite period of time."
> A finite set of observations, sure, but a finite set of statements can
> include universal statements.

Ok ... let me clarify what I meant re sentences

I'll define what I mean by a **descriptive sentence**

What I mean
by a sentence is a finite string of symbols drawn from a finite alphabet.

What I mean by a *descriptive sentence* is a sentence that is agreed by
a certain community to denote some subset of the total set of observations
(where all observations have finite precision and are drawn from a certain
finite set).

So, whether or not a descriptive sentence contains universal quantifiers or
quantifiers or psychospirituometaphysical quantifiers, or whatever, in the
there are some observation-sets it applies to, and some it does not.

Then, what I claim is that any finite set of descriptive sentences
to some computable model of reality.  One never needs an uncomputable
model of reality to justify a set of descriptive sentences.

> "Fractal image compression is computable."
> OK, yea, scratch the example. The point would possibly be valid if
> fractal compression relied on a superset of the Mandelbrot set's math,
> since the computability of that is still open as far as I know.

No ... because any algorithm that can be implemented on a digital computer,
can obviously be described in purely computable terms, using assembly
language.  Regardless of what uncomputable semantics you may wish to
assign to the expression of the algorithm in some higher-level language.

> "Based on a finite set of finite-precision observations, there is no
> way to distinguish Wei Dai's black box from a black box with a Turing
> machine inside."
> Sure, but the more observations, the longer the description length of
> that turing machine, so that at some point it will exceed the
> description length of the uncomputable alternative.

We have to be careful with use of language here.

It is not clear what you really mean by the "description length"
of something uncomputable, since the essence of uncomputability
is the property of **not being finitely describable**.

One can create a Turing machine that proves theorems about
uncomputable sets ... i.e., that carries out computations that
we can choose to interpret as "manipulating uncomputable sets."

Just as, one can create a Turing machine that carries out computations
that we interpret as differential calculus operations, acting on

However, even though we call them "uncomputable", in reality these
computations are computational, and their so-called "uncomputability"
is actually just a mapping between one computable formal structure
and another (the first formal structure being the algorithms/structures
carrying out
the computations ... the second formal structure being the formal theory
of computability, which is itself a finite set of axioms that can be
manipulated by a Turing machine ;-) ...

There is no such thing as an uncomputable procedure with a short
description length (where descriptions are finite concatenations of
symbols from a finite vocabulary).  There are however procedures with
short description lengths that have interpretations in terms of
uncomputability --
where these interpretations, if they're to be finitely describable, must
also be computable ;-)

-- Ben G

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