This sounds an awful lot like the Hegelian dialectical method...

ben g

On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 5:29 PM, Steve Richfield

> Martin,
> On 11/18/08, martin biehl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I don't know what reverse reductio ad absurdum is, so it may not be a
>> precise counterexample, but I think you get my point.
> HERE is the crux of my argument, as other forms of logic fall short of
> being adequate to run a world with. Reverse Reductio ad Absurdum is the
> first logical tool with the promise to resolve most intractable disputes,
> ranging from the abortion debate to the middle east problem.
> Some people get it easily, and some require long discussions, so I'll post
> the "Cliff Notes" version here, and if you want it in smaller doses, just
> send me an off-line email and we can talk on the phone.
> Reductio ad absurdum has worked unerringly for centuries to test bad
> assumptions. This constitutes a proof by lack of counterexample that the
> ONLY way to reach an absurd result is by a bad assumption, as otherwise,
> reductio ad absurdum would sometimes fail.
> Hence, when two intelligent people reach conflicting conclusions, but
> neither can see any errors in the other's logic, it would seem that they
> absolutely MUST have at least one bad assumption. Starting from the
> absurdity and searching for the assumption is where the reverse in reverse
> reductio ad absurdum comes in.
> If their false assumptions were different, than one or both parties would
> quickly discover them in discussion. However, when the argument stays on the
> surface, the ONLY place remaining to hide an invalid assumption is that they
> absolutely MUSH share the SAME invalid assumptions.
> Of course if our superintelligent AGI approaches them and points out their
> shared invalid assumption, then they would probably BOTH attack the AGI, as
> their invalid assumption may be their only point of connection. It appears
> that breaking this deadlock absolutely must involve first teaching both
> parties what reverse reductio ad absurdum is all about, as I am doing here.
> For example, take the abortion debate. It is obviously crazy to be making
> and killing babies, and it is a proven social disaster to make this illegal
> - an obvious reverse reductio ad absurdum situation.
> OK, so lets look at societies where abortion is no issue at all, e.g.
> Muslim societies, where it is freely available, but no one gets them. There,
> children are treated as assets, where in all respects we treat them as
> liabilities. Mothers are stuck with unwanted children. Fathers must pay
> child support, They can't be bought or sold. There is no expectation that
> they will look after their parents in their old age, etc.
> In short, BOTH parties believe that children should be treated as
> liabilities, but when you point this out, they dispute the claim. Why should
> mothers be stuck with unwanted children? Why not allow sales to parties who
> really want them? There are no answers to these and other similar questions
> because the underlying assumption is clearly wrong.
> The middle east situation is more complex but constructed on similar
> invalid assumptions.
> Are we on the same track now?
> Steve Richfield
>  ================================
>> 2008/11/18 Steve Richfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>  To all,
>>> I am considering putting up a web site to "filter the crazies" as
>>> follows, and would appreciate all comments, suggestions, etc.
>>> Everyone visiting the site would get different questions, in different
>>> orders, etc. Many questions would have more than one correct answer, and in
>>> many cases, some combinations of otherwise reasonable individual answers
>>> would fail. There would be optional tutorials for people who are not
>>> confident with the material. After successfully navigating the site, an
>>> applicant would submit their picture and signature, and we would then
>>> provide a license number. The applicant could then provide their name and
>>> number to 3rd parties to verify that the applicant is at least capable of
>>> rational thought. This information would look much like a driver's license,
>>> and could be printed out as needed by anyone who possessed a correct name
>>> and number.
>>> The site would ask a variety of logical questions, most especially
>>> probing into:
>>> 1.  Their understanding of Reverse Reductio ad Absurdum methods of
>>> resolving otherwise intractable disputes.
>>> 2.  Whether they belong to or believe in any religion that supports
>>> various violent acts (with quotes from various religious texts). This would
>>> exclude pretty much every religion, as nearly all religions condone useless
>>> violence of various sorts, or the toleration or exposure of violence toward
>>> others. Even Buddhists resist MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) while being
>>> unable to propose any potentially workable alternative to nuclear war. Jesus
>>> attacked the money changers with no hope of benefit for anyone. Mohammad
>>> killed the Jewish men of Medina and sold their women and children into
>>> slavery, etc., etc.
>>> 3.  A statement in their own words that they hereby disavow allegiance
>>> to any non-human god or alien entity, and that they will NOT follow the
>>> directives of any government led by people who would obviously fail this
>>> test. This statement would be included on the license.
>>> This should force many people off of the fence, as they would have to
>>> choose between sanity and Heaven (or Hell).
>>> Then, Ben, the CIA, diplomats, etc., could verify that they are dealing
>>> with people who don't have any of the common forms of societal insanity.
>>> Perhaps the site should be multi-lingual?
>>> Any and all thoughts are GREATLY appreciated.
>>> Thanks
>>> Steve Richfield
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Ben Goertzel, PhD
CEO, Novamente LLC and Biomind LLC
Director of Research, SIAI

"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher
a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts,
build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders,
cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure,
program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly.
Specialization is for insects."  -- Robert Heinlein

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