
So are you saying that: "According to the ordinary scientific standards of
'explanation', the subjective experience of consciousness cannot be
explained ... and as a consequence, the relationship between subjective
consciousness and physical data (as required to be elucidated by any
solution to Chalmers' "hard problem" as normally conceived) also cannot be

If so, then: according to the ordinary scientific standards of explanation,
you are not explaining consciousness, nor explaining the relation btw
consciousness and the physical ... but are rather **explaining why, due to
the particular nature of consciousness and its relationship to the ordinary
scientific standards of explanation, this kind of explanation is not


ben g

On Wed, Nov 19, 2008 at 4:05 PM, Richard Loosemore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Ben Goertzel wrote:
>> Richard,
>>    My first response to this is that you still don't seem to have taken
>>    account of what was said in the second part of the paper  -  and, at
>>    the same time, I can find many places where you make statements that
>>    are undermined by that second part.
>>    To take the most significant example:  when you say:
>>     > But, I don't see how the hypothesis
>>     >
>>     > "Conscious experience is **identified with** unanalyzable
>> mind-atoms"
>>     >
>>     > could be distinguished empirically from
>>     >
>>     > "Conscious experience is **correlated with** unanalyzable
>> mind-atoms"
>>    ... there are several concepts buried in there, like [identified
>>    with], [distinguished empirically from] and [correlated with] that
>>    are theory-laden.  In other words, when you use those terms you are
>>    implictly applying some standards that have to do with semantics and
>>    ontology, and it is precisely those standards that I attacked in
>>    part 2 of the paper.
>>    However, there is also another thing I can say about this statement,
>>    based on the argument in part one of the paper.
>>    It looks like you are also falling victim to the argument in part 1,
>>    at the same time that you are questioning its validity:  one of the
>>    consequences of that initial argument was that *because* those
>>    concept-atoms are unanalyzable, you can never do any such thing as
>>    talk about their being "only correlated with a particular cognitive
>>    event" versus "actually being identified with that cognitive event"!
>>    So when you point out that the above distinction seems impossible to
>>    make, I say:  "Yes, of course:  the theory itself just *said* that!".
>>    So far, all of the serious questions that people have placed at the
>>    door of this theory have proved susceptible to that argument.
>> Well, suppose I am studying your brain with a super-advanced
>> brain-monitoring device ...
>> Then, suppose that I, using the brain-monitoring device, identify the
>> brain response pattern that uniquely occurs when you look at something red
>> ...
>> I can then pose the question: Is your experience of red *identical* to
>> this brain-response pattern ... or is it correlated with this brain-response
>> pattern?
>> I can pose this question even though the "cognitive atoms" corresponding
>> to this brain-response pattern are unanalyzable from your perspective...
>> Next, note that I can also turn the same brain-monitoring device on
>> myself...
>> So I don't see why the question is unaskable ... it seems askable, because
>> these concept-atoms in question are experience-able even if not
>> analyzable... that is, they still form mental content even though they
>> aren't susceptible to explanation as you describe it...
>> I agree that, subjectively or empirically, there is no way to distinguish
>> "Conscious experience is **identified with** unanalyzable mind-atoms"
>> from
>> "Conscious experience is **correlated with** unanalyzable mind-atoms"
>> and it seems to me that this indicates you have NOT solved the hard
>> problem, but only restated it in a different (possibly useful) way
> There are several different approaches and comments that I could take with
> what you just wrote, but let me focus on just one;  the last one.
> When you make a statement such as "... it seems to me that .. you have NOT
> solved the hard problem, but only restated it", you are implicitly bringing
> to the table a set of ideas about what it means to "solve" this problem, or
> "explain" consciousness.
> Fine so far:  everyone uses the rules of explanation that they have
> acquired over a lifetime - and of course in science we all roughly agree on
> a set of ideas about what it means to explain things.
> But what I am trying to point out in this paper is that because of the
> nature of intelligent systems and how they must do their job, the very
> concept of *explanation* is undermined by the topic that in this case we are
> trying to explain.  You cannot just go right ahead and apply a standard of
> explanation right out of the box (so to speak) because unlike explaining
> atoms and explaining stars, in this case you are trying to explain something
> that interferes with the notion of "explanation".
> So when you imply that the theory I propose is weak *because* it provides
> no way to distinguish:
> "Conscious experience is **identified with** unanalyzable mind-atoms"
> from
> "Conscious experience is **correlated with** unanalyzable mind-atoms"
> You are missing the main claim that the theory tries to make:  that such
> distinctions are broken precisely *because* of what is going on with the
> explanandum.
> You have got to get this point to be able to understand the paper.
> I mean, it is okay to disagree with the point and say why (to talk about
> what it means to explain things'  to talk about the connection between the
> explanandum and the methods and basic terms of the thing that we call
> "explaining things").  That would be fine.
> But at the moment it seems to me that you have been through several passes
> at simply re-stating your position that you do not think the theory succeeds
> in explaining the subject, whereas I cannot bring you round to talking about
> what is the most important idea in the paper: that such simple statements as
> the ones you are making are just using a concept of explanation without
> examining it.
> So we still have not addressed the content of part 2 of the paper.  I did
> try to say all of the above in the last post, but you didn't mention that
> bit in your reply ;-)
> Richard Loosemore
> -------------------------------------------
> agi
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Ben Goertzel, PhD
CEO, Novamente LLC and Biomind LLC
Director of Research, SIAI

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a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts,
build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders,
cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure,
program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly.
Specialization is for insects."  -- Robert Heinlein

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