> Suppose I take the universal prior and condition it on some real-world
> training data.  For example, if you're interested in real-world
> vision, take 1000 frames of real video, and then the proposed
> probability distribution is the portion of the universal prior that
> explains the real video.  (I can mathematically define this if there
> is interest, but I'm guessing the other people here can too, so maybe
> we can skip that.  Speak up if I'm being too unclear.)
> Do you think the result is different in an important way from the
> real-world probability distribution you're looking for?
> --
> Tim Freeman               http://www.fungible.com
> t...@fungible.com

No, I think that in principle that's the right approach ... but that simple,
artificial exercises like conditioning data on photos don't come close to
capturing the richness of statistical structure in the physical universe ...
or in the subsets of the physical universe that humans typically deal


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