--- On Sat, 12/27/08, John G. Rose <johnr...@polyplexic.com> wrote:

> Well I think consciousness must be some sort of out of band intelligence
> that bolsters an entity in terms of survival. Intelligence probably
> stratifies or optimizes in zonal regions of similar environmental
> complexity, consciousness being one or an overriding out-of-band one...

No, consciousness only seems mysterious because human brains are programmed 
that way. For example, I should logically be able to convince you that "pain" 
is just a signal that reduces the probability of you repeating whatever actions 
immediately preceded it. I can't do that because emotionally you are convinced 
that "pain is real". Emotions can't be learned the way logical facts can, so 
emotions always win. If you could accept the logical consequences of your brain 
being just a computer, then you would not pass on your DNA. That's why you 

BTW the best I can do is believe both that consciousness exists and 
consciousness does not exist. I realize these positions are inconsistent, and I 
leave it at that.

> > I was hoping to discover an elegant theory for AI. It didn't quite work
> > that way. It seems to be a kind of genetic algorithm: make random
> > changes to the code and keep the ones that improve compression.
> > 
> Is this true for most data? For example would PI digit compression attempts
> result in genetic emergences the same as say compressing environmental
> noise? I'm just speculating that genetically originated data would require
> compression avenues of similar algorithmic complexity descriptors, for
> example PI digit data does not originate genetically so compression attempts
> would not show genetic emergences as "chained" as say environmental
> noise.... basically I'm asking if you can tell the difference from data that
> has a genetic origination ingredient verses all non-genetic...

No, pi can be compressed to a simple program whose size is dominated by the log 
of the number of digits you want.

For text, I suppose I should be satisfied that a genetic algorithm compresses 
it, except for the fact that so far the algorithm requires a human in the loop, 
so it doesn't solve the AI problem.

-- Matt Mahoney, matmaho...@yahoo.com

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