I change my nickname from The Person Formerly Known As 441344 to FKA441344.
I assume Golemkeepor.
I intend to, Without Objection, destroy Tweedledee.
If I was momentarily inactive on Thu 16 Feb, I assume Ambassador, IADoP,
and Horton.

I submit a proposal with title {Crimes and the Law} and text
 Enact a rule with title {Crimes and the Law} and text
  If a Rule makes an action a Crime, that action is a violation of that
  Rule. Every Crime violates the Rules. For all N, if an action that
  violates a power-N Rule would not otherwise be a Crime, then it is the
  Class-2*N Crime of Breaking The Law.

I submit a proposal with title {{Confusing} is enough} and adoption
index 3 and text
 Amend rule 2170 by replacing the sentence that begins with
 {A player SHALL NOT select a confusing nickname, including}
 {A player SHALL NOT select a confusing nickname.}.

I withdraw my proposal titled {Sovereign Immunity}.

I submit a proposal with adoption index 3 and title
{The Person Agora, Causing Em To Act, And Eir Security} and text
 Retitle Rule 2339 to {The Person Agora}.
 Amend Rule 2339 to {Agora is a person.}.
 Enact a Power-3 rule with title {Causing Agora To Act} and text
  When Agora is a person, any player CAN cause em to take actions that
  are not otherwise IMPOSSIBLE without objection.
 Amend Rule 2351 by appending the sentence
 {Causing Agora to act is secured.} to the end of it.

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