If I have not already done so, I withdraw my proposals titled
{Ambassador fix} and
{Alternate Ambassador fix}. If I have not already done so, I submit a
proposal with title
{That Doesn't Do Anything Anyway} and text
{Amend Rule 2352 by removing its last paragraph.}.

I submit a proposal with adoption index 3 and title
{Alternate fix for Wisdom Of The Elders} and text
 Amend Rule 1950 by replacing the text
  Adoption index is a switch possessed by Agoran decisions, whose value is
  either "none" (default) or an integral multiple of 0.1 from 1.0 to 9.9.
 } with the text
  Adoption index is a switch possessed by Agoran decisions, whose value is
  either "none" (default) or an integral multiple of 0.1 greater than
or equal to 1.0.

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