I withdraw my proposals titled {Alternate fix for Wisdom Of The
Elders} and {fix for Wisdom Of The Elders}.

I withdraw my previous proposal titled {Clock Golems}. I submit a
proposal with adoption index 2 and title {Clock Golems} and text
 Create a rule with title {Clock Golems} and text
  Clock Golems are a class of second-class persons and a class of
assets. Golemkeepor is an elected Office. The Golemkeepor is the
recordkeepor for Clock Golems. Alarm is a Clock Golem timer. The Alarm
of a Clock Golem is counting down iff it is not zero. When the Alarm
of a Clock Golem becomes zero, that Clock Golem cashes all promises in
eir possession that e CAN cash, and is then destroyed. Any player CAN
create a Clock Golem by announcement, specifying its Alarm. Decreasing
the Alarm of a Clock Golem is secured. Causing a Clock Golem to act is
secured. The Golemkeepor's report includes the Alarm and set of
promises owned by each Clock Golem. The Golemkeepor CAN destroy any
Clock Golem Without Objection.

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