On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 06:46, Geoffrey Spear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 8:43 AM, Geoffrey Spear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I intend to leave the Protection Racket agreement.
>> I transfer 50 coins to BobTHJ.
> And if that failed, I PBA-deposit an X crop and then transfer 50 coins
> to BobTHJ (the recordkeepor of the PBA seems to think I have 89 coins,
> but I'm not convinced this will turn out to be right when the banks
> change their reported holdings Yet Again.  Would you accept randomly
> fluctuating balances listed by your real bank?)
ehird's PBA report is significantly off. I'm not quite sure how this
happened since our reports were in agreement just two days ago, though
I think it has something to do with ehird's script:

ehird, from what I gather, your script begins with the initial state
of the PBA, and then calculates each transaction in order to arrive at
the final current state. Is this correct? The problem with this method
is that when you make a change in how the script operates it modifies
transactions which have occurred in the past, since each transaction
is re-calculated each time the script runs. This leads to fluctuation
in the final numbers.

The method I have employed for my automated site is to hold a copy of
the current gamestate, and then apply each new transaction to that as
it occurs (well, as it is entered), updating the current gamestate.
This way, if I make a change to my code it is only reflected in future
transactions, not past ones. It is still a simple matter to correct
errors in past gamestate by backing off transactions, fixing the
error, and then re-processing them.

Whatever the case, I'm at a loss of how to process Wooble's latest
transactions. You say e has 89 coins, and therefore can pay me 50. I
say e has 19, so it fails (or is a partial transfer - a whole 'nother
ball o' wax). We need to ensure our reports stay in
agreement....otherwise I'm not sure if this multiple recordkeepor's
thing is going to work.

(NOTE: Ignore Wooble's transaction on my automated log. I entered it,
but it won't display correctly until ehird and I reconcile our reports
and figure out exactly what happened).


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