On Mon, 27 Oct 2014, Alex Smith wrote:
> Things that have traditionally consistently been of high economic value:

For "traditionally" defined since 2007.

Before 2007, the three pillars were (1) the ability to distribute proposals, 
(2) voting on proposals, and (3) making up for your rules breakages.  This 
was repeated for several economies until the Contracts era.

The idea of paying to distribute a proposal is simple.  Proposals make
work for everyone (voters and officers).  Writing a proposal is an aspect
of gameplay that's the "creative" part, paying for all of Agora to
review and vote on it is the cost of being creative.

There was almost always a free path for the "work" proposals (ones
submitted out of duty to fix bugs).

Since 2007, the "Pay to write a proposal?  Agora should be paying *me*
to write this!" attitude has really not been a boon for gameplay.


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