On Thu, 17 Aug 2017, Alex Smith wrote:
> On Thu, 2017-08-17 at 09:50 -0700, Kerim Aydin wrote:
> > Elevating R1698 sounds like a good idea though.  One question is which
> > of 1698, 1030, and 1551 should be highest - do their global protections
> > interact in odd ways that mean we should be careful about their order?
> I've believed for a while that 1698 should be higher than 1030. 1030's
> current 3.2 is probably correct, meaning that 1698 should be 3.3 (or 4
> if we have concerns over the Town Fountain somehow being used to end
> the game).

Of course remembering that by amending R1030 you can completely flip the
precedence order anyway :).  

Although if R1030 were changed to affect precedence order (e.g. reversing
it so lower-powered rules have precedence), there would be hard-to-figure
out conflicts with R2140.  

(Which might make things broken enough that R1698 would block the change
from happening - so yes having R1698 higher would be good - but it's
also potentially messy as it drags R2140 into the mix).


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