Proto: Auction Overhaul (AI=3)
Terminate all auctions; this overrides any rule that would prevent an
auction from being terminated.

Repeal Rule 2545 (Auctions).
Repeal Rule 2549 (Auction Initiation).
Repeal Rule 2550 (Bidding).
Repeal Rule 2551 (Auction End).
Repeal Rule 2552 (Auction Termination).
Repeal Rule 2584 (Free Auctions).

Amend Rule 1885 (Zombie Auctions) to read as follows:
A zombie auction is an Agoran decision to award ownership of zombies to
players. A zombie is eligible for auction if its master switch is set to
Agora and has a resale value greater than 0.

While there is at least one zombie eligible for auction, and no zombie
auction is currently in progress (initiated but not resolved), the
Registrar CAN initiate a zombie auction. For a zombie auction, the vote
collector is the Registrar, the quorum is 0, the voting method is auction,
and the valid options are the zombies a) that were eligible for auction at
its initiation and b) whose master switch has not changed in the meanwhile.
A list of the zombies eligible for auction (the "default priorities"),
ordered by the date they became a zombie with the newest first, is an
essential parameter of the decision.

In a timely fashion after a zombie auction is resolved, each winner CAN and
SHALL pay for eir prize by paying a fee equal to eir valid bid in the
auction; when e does so, the prize's master switch is set to em. E CANNOT
and NEED NOT do so if, before e does, the zombie's master switch changes.

In a timely fashion after the beginning of each Agoran month, the Registrar
SHALL either initiate a zombie auction, or if there are no zombies eligible
for auction, announce this fact.

Amend Rule 2528 (Voting Methods) by replacing {which must be AI-majority,
instant runoff, or first-past-the-post} with {which must be AI-majority,
instant runoff, first-past-the-post, or auction} and by replacing
      2. The valid conditional votes, as defined by rules of power at
         least that of this rule; and
      3. For an instant runoff decision, the ordered lists of entities.
      4.For any other decision, the valid options.
      2. For a decision other than an auction, the valid conditional votes,
          as defined by rules of power at least that of this rule;
      3. For an instant runoff decision, the ordered lists of entities;
      4. For an auction decision, the pairs of positive integers (the
"bid") with, optionally, an ordered list of entities (the "priorities"); and
      5. For a decision other than an instant runoff decision or an
auction, the valid options.

For an auction, the minimum number of options is one; for any other
decision, it is two.}

[I would like to make it so that voting methods don't need to be defined at
power 3, but that's beyond the scope of this proposal. It'll be part of my
administrative reform series I imagine.]

Amend Rule 683 (Voting on Agoran Decisions) by appending "The above
notwithstanding, an entity CANNOT withdraw a non-PRESENT vote on an auction
decision except to change eir vote to one with an equal or higher bid."

Amend Rule 955 (Determining the Will of Agora) by appending the following
to the list:
 4. For an auction, the outcome is an association of voters (winners) to
valid options (prizes) determined as follows. For each voter in descending
order of bids, breaking ties in favour of the voter who first submitted a
(possibly-withdrawn) vote with a given bid amount, of the remaining prizes,
e is assigned the one that 1) appears first in eir priorities, if any,
otherwise 2) the one that appears first in the decision's default
priorities, if any, otherwise 3) one chosen by the vote collector by
announcement. Continue in this manner until all prizes have been assigned;
the remaining voters do not win any prize.

[This allows people to target specific zombies rather than fighting over
which ones they don't want. The bug around zombies that stop being eligible
is fixed by them being considered no longer valid options.]

Amend Rule 107 (Initiating Agoran Decisions) by replacing {The vote
collector for a decision with less than two options CAN and SHALL end the
voting period by announcement} with {The vote collector for a decision with
fewer than its minimum number of options CAN and SHALL end the voting
period by announcement}


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