On Sun, 12 Apr 2020 at 18:20, James Cook via agora-discussion <
agora-discussion@agoranomic.org> wrote:

> I'm more a fan of my own. I am not sure how others feel about it. I
> think I needed to work out how it would interact with quorum or
> something but don't remember anything else I wanted to iron out.
> It's been a while since I read your legal fictions proto, but I think
> I had reservations in it based on what I wrote in the following Feb 18
> message:
> https://mailman.agoranomic.org/cgi-bin/mailman/private/agora-discussion/2020-February/056898.html
> (I phrased that message mostly about explaining differences between
> our approaches. To explain why those differences give me reservations,
> I'll just add that I prefer the rules to try to spell out what happens
> as clearly and unambigously as possible.)
> James

Ah, I think I forgot to reply to that!

I stand by what I said: I think we're both trying to limit the effects of
the change to the minimal thing implied by the ratified document, without
doing complex examinations of the rest of the gamestate. The main
difference is that you set out explicitly what is attempting to be
ratified, while my approach doesn't do that. But I don't think that your
approach helps resolve contradictions. For instance, what if a
self-ratifying report lists an invalid value for a switch, such as a
non-player officeholder? It seems to me that, at best, this would create an
inconsistency between the gamestate and the rules and cause the
ratification to fail. You could try to make each switch flip fail
independently, but it would be easy to concoct a situation where the valid
values for two switches depended on one another, so that either could be
split out and ratified individually, but they cannot both be ratified

On the other hand, overriding contradictory facts prevents the need for
complex analysis of the contradiction: the officeholder is simply set to a
nonplayer value, then immediately corrected automatically. Even for
interdependent switches, it would work fine: both are set to the values
which turn out to be contradictory, then both are invalid, and both reset
to default.

If you got rid of the bit about inconsistency between the rules and
gamestate, then I don't think there's a lot of substantial difference
between the choices, on the axes you care about. The only thing I can think
of is that mine is unclear whether creating a legal fiction also triggers
state change effects (e.g. "when X happens") but that is easily fixed. The
other differences are the explicit vs implicit specification of what
exactly happens, but I still don't see that as a major difference, and the
retroactive vs non-retroactive approach. At this point, I'm actually
thinking that retroactivity might be better there; I think it may be easier
to address time paradoxes explicitly. The pseudo-retroactive approach
attempts to work around this by preventing interference with itself, but
when you have complex interfering ratifications, I'm not entirely sure that

I should probably attempt to put that into an actual paradox attempt to see
if it works.


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