If you used the --dry-run option with both patches, then nothing got
patched at all - only tests have been performed, and you still have the
plain vanilla kernel and the 2.6.0 modules folder. You might also see
that from the Makefile in the upper kernel source directory. I bet, at
the top it reads:
        VERSION = 2
        PATCHLEVEL = 6
        SUBLEVEL = 0
After a successfully performed bk3 patch, the fourth line should read
something like:
        EXTRAVERSION = bk3

So please, no dry-run after its test has shown that the patching would
be ok.

You are absolutely right. However, there is a small problem with the modules and kernel 2.6.0-bk3. The new kernel can not load any module because the modules are installed in /lib/module/2.6.0 and the kernel is 2.6.0-bk3.
Is there any way to fix this. If after I patch the kernel I change the EXTRAVERSION=bk3 to EXTRAVERSION= will it help?
I am asking this, because I had experience this problem. Yesterday, I spend 2 hours working on it. I even installed the new 2.6.1-rc1 kernel, but the problem with the modules was there.

Did you really run (as root) make modules_install after make ? Doing so, the modules get installed into /lib/modules/$KERNELVERSION, where $KERNELVERSION is composed of the above entries from Makefile. So, if you have EXTRAVERSION = bk3 then there SHOULD be a dirctory /lib/modules/2.6.0-bk3 when all is finished. Klaus

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