On Wed, 21 Jan 2004 10:04 am, Sam Vilain wrote:
> ...
> All it needs is a PCI and USB device database - ie, the numbers
> provided by `lspci' and `lsusb' are the primary keys in the database.
> With these entries, allow people to submit success or failure reports
> for their hardware, along with the brand and model name they bought
> their card as, to help those who don't already have the hardware to
> get the device ID numbers off.  Perhaps even allow for automated or
> semi-automated test results to be submitted and tallied up for
> prospective buyers to see what the masses are generally using.

I'd be happy to have a go at this and put it somewhere like
http://alsa.opensrc.org/database (?) but I'd need some more
input as to what is really wanted/needed and a bit of feedback
as it evolved.

If you care to elaborate on what you'd like to see then I'll
start on it as soon as I have some specs to guide me.

> This is a task that does not require anything heavy like kernel
> development skills, just the time and patience of a web developer to
> take one of those old sites and put some life back into it.

FWIW I'm a partner in the small co-lo where alsa.opensrc.org 
resides and will provide a dedicated box for it (opensrc.org,
it is currently a vhost) rsn and have no intention of not 
supporting it for the next 10 years.


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