On Mon, 2 Feb 2004, Frank Barknecht wrote:

> BTW: Fernando, it seems, as if we have to sell our Quattros soon. Read
> this thread (bottom to top) for details: 
> http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=107564984700001&r=1&w=2

For those who do not want to read through a huge bunch of posts to
figure out what he was refering to, it seems thati t he quattro reports
that it has 4 alternate settings for an interface, but numbers them 0134. This is 
under the usb spec, because the max setting  number must be one less than
the total number of possible settings.  Kernel 2.6 now enforces that
since there is a worry that using more might corrupt the kernel in some
way. (I assume some data structure is assigned to take up to N entries,
and if there is an setting numbered N or greater, it will go off the end
of the assigned data structure.)

Of course, Linux usb could be more conservative and assign N+1 items
instead, just for such non-compliant devices.  
Or reject the settings which violate the number (eg number 4 above).
But  there seems to be a bit of a  religeous position-- only the virtuous deserve
linux-- being taken. (Of course maudio should be compliant, and of
course pressure should be put on them, but they do not give a damn about
Linux from what I have seen, so such pressure is not liable to be

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