When I speak about jack, I speak about the hardware, not the software.
So, I have never used the jack software.
When I use alsaloop, I do this:
$ alsaloop -C hw:0,0 -P hw:0,0 -t 50000

After typing this command, I can hear in my headphones a looping noise.
So, I am not sure I am using it as I should.

Is it a normal behaviour ?

On Tue, 30 Jul 2013 00:12:32 +0700
Ильдар Ахметгалеев <akhil...@gmail.com> wrote:

> if you using jack you can configure alsa2jack emulation and use it
> without loopback devices. You can route everything inside jack. Your
> application will be visible in jack as native jack application. But
> some applications works bad wtih alsa2jack emulation.
> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/JACK_Audio_Connection_Kit#Playing_nice_with_ALSA
> 2013/7/29 Dominique Michel <dominique.mic...@vtxnet.ch>:
> > Le Mon, 29 Jul 2013 13:50:01 +0700,
> > Ильдар Ахметгалеев <akhil...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> >
> >> you may also try alsa's loopback module
> >> https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=765075#p765075
> >
> > For me, it is the definitive solution. You can configure ALSA to use
> > the loopback device as first sound card, and use alsa_in and alsa_out,
> > or for a better sound quality, zita-ajbridge (zita-a2j and zita-j2a) to
> > interface jack and alsa.
> >
> > That way, all the ALSA applications will use the loopback by default
> > and will be available in jack. Of course, you will have to run jack all
> > the time.
> >
> > It is a  French how-to here:
> > http://www.linuxmao.org/TUTO+%3A+ALSA+vers+JACK&structure=Accueil+Logiciels
> > and another one here:
> > http://alsa.opensrc.org/Jack_and_Loopback_device_as_Alsa-to-Jack_bridge
> > but the alsa wiki seam to be down.
> >
> > You can also use zita-*2* directly, but I did not try it. I prefer the
> > automatic way with the loopback device.
> >
> > Dominique
> >
> >>
> >> 2013/7/29 Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mard...@alice-dsl.net>:
> >> > On Mon, 2013-07-29 at 08:27 +0200, YuGiOhJCJ Mailing-List wrote:
> >> >> Do you mean I am in the wrong mailing list for support on alsa on
> >> >> Linux ?
> >> >
> >> > What if the best solution has less to do with ALSA? People
> >> > subscribed to Linux audio users mailing list (LAU) opened several
> >> > threads. I didn't follow those threads completely, so I don't know
> >> > if they found a good solution. At least there's more traffic at LAU
> >> > and it's an issue that was discussed there several times.
> >> >
> >> >
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> >
> >
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