It is not obvious to me that the metrics for service placement are at all tied to the metrics for isntance selection for client traffic.  For example, service placement may want to know about the capacity and type details of the physical server.  Client traffic direction generally does not acre about that.

Similarly, service placement may well want to know about the range of possible resource consumption (e.g. memory) that the application server instance may exhibit.  Client traffic direction does not care, as long as the hosting server is giving the application service the resources it needs.

Conversely, client service instance likely cares about the current latency under load of the service instance.  Service placement doesn't care about that as the service is not yet under load.

There are many more examples of differences in concern.

I can imagine that there are metrics that both care about, but most of the ones I can see to start from are quite distinct.



On 11/2/2023 5:31 PM, LUIS MIGUEL CONTRERAS MURILLO wrote:

Hi Joel, all,

Please, see in-line

Best regards


*De:* Cats <> *En nombre de * Joel Halpern
*Enviado el:* jueves, 2 de noviembre de 2023 19:04
*Para:* Jordi Ros Giralt <>; Linda Dunbar <>;;
*Asunto:* Re: [Cats] [Idr] New draft on joint exposure of network and compute information

There are, as far as I can tell, two very valid and very different approaches to service selection / traffic direction.

*/[[Luis>]] service selection / traffic direction is a part of the problem. A previous step is service / application instantiation. What we claim is the convenience of defining compute-related metrics suitable for both (and any other step in the service lifecycle that could require such kind of metrics). Defining separated metrics could lead to inconsistent approaches. A common set of metrics that could be used for different purposes would be desirable./*


It can be done by the application, or it can be done by the operator edge. CATS is chartered to address the operator-based approach.  Applications clearly can chose to make their own decision, or to send anycast traffic allowing CATS to make its decision.

However, expecting the network to expose detailed topology and related metrics to end application clients seems unlikely.

*/[[Luis>]] Exposing information from network side is becoming an industrial trend in order to benefit the service delivery and experience by customers (e.g. Linux CAMARA project). Closer interaction among applications and networks is desirable. /*


Which is why most applications have taken the approach of using their own probes to make their decisions.

*/[[Luis>]] The applications following that approach infer the status of the network for taking decisions. Though proper exposure mechanisms the applications could take informed decisions in a more precise manner than the inference, which will be certainly beneficial. However this discussion separates from the topic of the draft (common definition of compute metrics), so maybe better discuss in a thread apart. /*


  If you want to argue for a protocol to expose information to client applications, that is a very complicated discussion with many stakeholders. And it is a discussion that needs to take place before one discusses exact metrics, or even the properties of such an exposure mechanism.  (It is an approach much closer to ALTO than to CATS.)



On 11/2/2023 1:45 PM, Jordi Ros Giralt wrote:

    Thanks Linda for your comments. Find my responses below:

    > Your draft describes two aspects of the service performance

    > impacted by the Computing: Service Deployment and  Service (Path)

    > Selection. Those two should be separated, as the Service Deployment

    > belongs to the OpsArea, and the Service selection (including Network

    > Path & DCs that host the services) belongs to the Routing area.

    [JRG] I agree that service deployment can be seen as part of ops
    area. Service selection can both be seen as part of the routing
    area (as you point out), but also a part of the application area.
    For instance, an application running in a UE could decide whether
    to use 5G, 4G, or Wi-Fi to connect to a service instance based on
    the communication and compute resource information exposed to it.

    > draft-ietf-idr-5g-edge-service-metadata has proposed a new
    Metadata Path

    > Attribute and some Sub-TLVs  for egress routers to advertise the Metadata

    > about the attached edge services (ES).

    > (...) Can this Metadata Path Attribute address the problem stated in
    your draft?

    [JRG] I agree this information is valuable to the ingress router
    to make path selection decisions. In addition, there is also a
    need for this information to be exposed to the service or
    application layer. If there is service replication, the
    application running in the UE (or an application-layer proxy on
    behalf of it) needs to decide which of the service replicas it
    connects to. Once a service replica is selected, the UE might also
    have a variety of ways to reach that service (e.g., 4G, 5G,
    Wi-Fi). Both of these end-point selection decisions need to know
    the available communication and compute resources.




    *From:* Linda Dunbar <>
    *Sent:* Wednesday, November 1, 2023 18:11
    *To:* Jordi Ros Giralt <>
    <>; <>
    <>; <>
    *Cc:* <> <>
    *Subject:* RE: New draft on joint exposure of network and compute

    *WARNING:* This email originated from outside of Qualcomm. Please
    be wary of any links or attachments, and do not enable macros.


    Your draft describes two aspects of the service performance
    impacted by the Computing: Service Deployment and  Service (Path)
    Selection. Those two should be separated, as the Service
    Deployment belongs to the OpsArea, and the Service selection
    (including Network Path & DCs that host the services) belongs to
    the Routing area. 
    proposed a new Metadata Path Attribute and some Sub-TLVs for
    egress routers to advertise the Metadata about the attached edge 
    services (ES).  The Edge Service Metadata can be used by the
    ingress routers in the 5G Local Data Network to make path
    selections not only based on the routing cost but also the running
    environment of the edge services.  The goal is to improve latency
    and performance for 5G  edge services.

    Can this Metadata Path Attribute address the problem stated in
    your draft?  I CC’ed the IDR WG, so your comments on the Path
    Selection can be visible to them.

    Thanks, Linda

    *From:* Cats <>
    <> *On Behalf Of *Jordi Ros Giralt
    *Sent:* Tuesday, October 24, 2023 6:47 AM
    *Subject:* [Cats] New draft on joint exposure of network and
    compute information

    Dear CATS and ALTO WG mailing list members,

      We submitted a new draft on joint exposure of network and
      compute information for service placement and selection:

      Joint Exposure of Network and Compute Information for
      Infrastructure-Aware Service DeploymentJoint Exposure of Network
      and Compute Information for Infrastructure-Aware Service Deployment

    This draft focuses on the problem of exposing both network and
    compute information to the service provider/application to support
    service placement and selection decisions. ALTO provides an
    interface for network information exposure to the service
    provider/application; thus, an approach is to leverage and extend
    it with compute metrics. CATS also needs to develop compute
    metrics to support traffic steering decisions. The common ground
    is in these compute metrics, which could be reused across the
    various use cases (e.g., consumed by the network as in CATS or
    consumed by the application as in ALTO).

    This draft also aims at providing a framework for continuing the
    discussion initiated during IETF 117 regarding the presentation
    "Compute-aware metrics: CATS working with ALTO":

    We would like to seek feedback from both working groups on
    developing compute metrics that can be reused for different use
    cases, to avoid duplicated work and increase the effectiveness of
    future standards.




    Idr mailing list


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