On Thu, 5 Apr 2001, John R. Jackson wrote:

|>host2      sd0h lev 0 FAILED [dumps too big, but cannot incremental dump
|>new disk]
|This message says the total size of the dumps Amanda wants to do is larger
|than your tape size, and that it cannot shift this backup (host2:sd0h)
|back to an incremental dump from a full dump because it is "new", i.e.
|Amanda has never seen it before.

        The tape capacity given by 'tapetype' is used to decide if it'll
fit the volume? I'm using a Sony SDT-9000 that suposely could compress
something. Can I increase the 'length' parameter and hope that the
compression will do its job?

|>      The real strange thing is that this is a read-only file system and
|>didn't grow up since yesterday ...
|So, are you saying this disk was backed up by Amanda before?  If so,
|it's very odd it now thinks it is new.  You didn't by any chance,
|run one of the Amanda commands as root instead of the Amanda user?
|Or remove or move some things?

        Yes, the /etc/dumpdates tell me that this volume was last backed
up on April 4th.
        I run 'amdmin force' every night to ensure that a full backup will
be done, this could generate that message?

Thank you,

- Marcelo

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