>...that was actually all that consisted of the log.  Does that tell
>you anything?

It all fits together with the Amanda server only waiting 45 minutes but
the estimates taking much longer than that.

>Does the disk having a problem seem like the most logical from your
>perspective?  This is about a $6-8,000 telenet 6 disk raid 5 array with 10k
>scsi drives and a 80mbit adaptec scsi2 card.  The system is overall slow as
>a dog.  This is odd to me because it is a thunderbird 900 with 512mb memory.
>I cannot figure this whole thing out.

Well, I'd say there is something fundamentally wrong with the system if
there are multiple slowdown symptoms.

Try some simple dd's of the raw device and see what kind of timing you
get.  For instance:

  time dd if=/dev/rsda0h of=/dev/null bs=64k count=8192

That will move half a GByte, then "do the math" to see what kind of
performance you're getting (and/or adjust the numbers to move more/less
data).  For instance, on one of the disks on my system it took 72 seconds,
so that's ~7.3 MBytes/sec.

I'll bet yours will show a problem.  But I don't know enough about your
system (or your system type in general) to advise where to go after that.
All I can suggest is that you start eliminating/swapping pieces until
it behaves or you find the culprit.

You might also do some serious SCSI chain checkout.  For instance, it's
my understanding you cannot have a narrow device after a wide device
in the same chain.  That kind of thing.  And termination is always a
likely culprit.

Good luck.


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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