>       The tape capacity given by 'tapetype' is used to decide if it'll
>fit the volume?  ...

No.  The "length" parameter in your amanda.conf tapetype section controls
what will fit.  The "tapetype" utility is just a tool to help figure
out the amanda.conf parameters.

>I'm using a Sony SDT-9000 that suposely could compress
>something. Can I increase the 'length' parameter and hope that the
>compression will do its job?

That's what I do.  Don't go nuts with the number :-).  For my particular
type of data, 20%-30% is about all I get.

Make sure you don't also use software compression.  Compressing things
twice usually expands them.

>       Yes, the /etc/dumpdates tell me that this volume was last backed
>up on April 4th.

What's in /etc/dumpdates doesn't matter.  It's whether Amanda did a
backup before.

>       I run 'amdmin force' every night to ensure that a full backup will
>be done, this could generate that message?

That's a possibility.  I didn't look at the code to be sure, but why
don't you use "dumpcycle 0" in amanda.conf instead of running the "force"?
That's the usual method to ask Amanda to do only full dumps.

>- Marcelo

John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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