I'm attempting to back up one NT 4.0 share (\\ntserver\businesswork) and one
directory under another NT 4.0 share (\\ntserver\sys\ppidocs)   I'm getting
the message that the host is down when I do 'amcheck confname'
Here are the relevant files.. can someone let me know if I'm just screwing
up the syntax?
 Michael Blinn

amanda.conf relevant(?) entries:

define dumptype nt-comp {
    compress server fast
    priority high
dumpuser "backup"
netusage  600 Kbps
etimeout 300  # number of seconds per filesystem for estimates.
dtimeout 1800  # number of idle seconds before a dump is aborted.
ctimeout 30  # maximum number of seconds that amcheck waits

mail /usr/local/apache comp-user-tar
mail /configs comp-user-tar
mail /home comp-user-tar
# (The unix mail server backup is working just FINE)
backup //ntserver/sys/ppidocs nt-comp
backup //ntserver/businesswork nt-comp

'backup' is the tape server, running samba. I configured
amanda --with-smbclient=/path/to/smbclient

//ntserver/businesswork ntusername%ntpassword WORKGROUP
//ntserver/sys/ppidocs ntusername%ntpassword WORKGROUP

amcheck doesn't complain about any permissions, and I can't find any
additional logging about what is going on other than this:

Amanda Backup Client Hosts Check
WARNING: backup: selfcheck request timed out.  Host down?
Client check: 2 hosts checked in 30.033 seconds, 1 problem found

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