> Look in /tmp/amanda/selfcheck*debug on backup -- there it will show you
> the exact smbclient command it's trying, and hopefully what's going wrong.
> You can also try running the smbclient command by hand *as the amanda
> user* to see what you get.

when I run amcheck confname, in /tmp/amanda/ it creates an
amcheck.{timestamp}.debug, however the contents of that are only three

amcheck: debug 1 pid 619 ruid 34 euid 0 start time Thu Oct 4 15:24 :37 2001
amcheck: dgram_bind: sofket bound to
amcheck: pid 619 finish time Thu Oct 4 15:25:07 2001

The smbclient command works fine as long as I pass it -U amanda -- is there
a way for amanda to pass this option as well?

Best, and thank you,
-Michael Blinn

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