On Tue, 9 Oct 2001 at 10:07am, Michael P. Blinn wrote

> To reiterate the situation: Backup machine w/ a tape drive, holding disk,
> and samba, is trying to back up a linux machine and an NT share on a
> separate computer. - The linux backup works just fine - The NT share is what
> is screwing up amcheck (or so goes my theory) - I can paste in my amandapass
> and amanda.conf and disklist files again if you'd like, but they haven't

Looking back over them, there's one thing I see missing.  What happens if
you try to back up a local disk on backup?  I.e. remove the NT share
entries in the disklist, but put somethink like 'backup /etc user-tar'.
This will narrow it down to being either a samba issue or an amanda client

> changed since my original 'help!' email to the list. - if I remove the NT
> share disklist entry (the entry is: backup //ntserver/sys/users nt-comp
> where nt-comp is a dumptype I made that is 'user-tar' and 'compress server
> fast') then the backup of the linux machine and amcheck goes off without a
> hitch. - if I leave it in, the tape server check takes 20 seconds and
> complains about nothing.. then there's a 15 second wait and I get the
> 'selfcheck request timed out.  Host down?'. Do I have to mount the
> //ntserver/sys share first? -- Is it Good and OK to pass a subdirectory to
> the path to mount, or...?

No, you don't have to mount the share first.  But, according to some quick
experiments I just did here, you can *not* back up a subdirectory of a
share.  You *must* back up the share itself.  If all you want is
/sys/users, you'll need to share that directory explicitly.  But, again,
this isn't the main problem, b/c you're not even getting that far.

> No. There is ONLY the one file that I pasted into the last email to the
> list..   it is /tmp/amanda/amcheck.{timestamp}.debug and it looks like this:
> amcheck: debug 1 pid 619 ruid 34 euid 0 start time Thu Oct 4 15:24 :37 2001
> amcheck: dgram_bind: sofket bound to
> amcheck: pid 619 finish time Thu Oct 4 15:25:07 2001

My apologies.  After a more careful examination, that is all that file
contains after a successful amcheck.  The issue is that there should
*also* be an amandad*debug and selfcheck*debug.

Did you, by any chance, ./configure amanda on backup with the
--without-client flag?  Does /usr/local/libexec/amandad exist?  I'm
starting to suspect that the amanda client stuff just isn't installed.

Joshua Baker-LePain
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Duke University

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