>When I run su amanda -c "amcheck daily" the backup server times out with the 
>selfcheck request timed out error. Believe it or not, this just started 
>happening, and I _haven't_ changed anything.

Yeah, yeah.  We've heard all that before :-).

>The funny part is this: amdump works fine and runs nightly! It backs-up the 
>server, even tho amcheck says it's down.

Amcheck and amdump (dumper) use **exactly** the same access mechanisms
to the clients.  So you're clearly just imagining this.  It can't be
happening :-).

When you run amcheck, does a new /tmp/amanda/amandad*debug file get
created (or the existing one updated)?  What's in it?  In particular,
what are the stop and start times (first and last lines)?

Ditto for selfcheck*debug.

>... I doubled the 
>etimeout from 300 to 600, but amcheck still times out.

That makes sense.  Etimeout is for estimates done during amdump.
You want to crank up ctimeout (for "check timeout").


John R. Jackson, Technical Software Specialist, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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