On Friday 18 July 2014 16:16:15 John Hein wrote:
> Gene Heskett gheskett-at-wdtv.com |amusersj-ml0| wrote at 15:07 -0400 on Jul 
> 18, 2014:
>  > On Friday 18 July 2014 14:22:48 John Hein did opine
>  > 
>  > And Gene did reply:
>  > > Gene Heskett wrote at 12:25 -0400 on Jul 18, 2014:
>  > >  > 14/7/18@12:09:37: ERROR: 3859 {activate_normal} bind failed
>  > >  > (Address already in use (errno = 98)). service = amanda
>  > > 
>  > > More than one xinetd or inetd running?
>  > > 
>  > > Maybe some basic background is in order.  The basic operation of
>  > > *inetd is pretty simple, and if you understand the basics, you can
>  > > really solve many of the common issues yourself.
>  > > 
>  > > *inetd runs forever "listening" on the sockets you tell it to
>  > > listen on (as configured by the xinetd or inetd config files).
>  > > When requests (any activity) on that socket come in, it tries
>  > > to run the service that is specified in its configuration.
>  > > 
>  > > If something else "owns" that socket, *inetd can't do its job
>  > > (i.e., can't start the service corresponds to that socket).
>  > > 
>  > > If not, then *inetd will spawn off the configured service (amandad
>  > > in amanda's case).
>  > > 
>  > > Technically, you don't need *inetd.  You can kick off amandad to
>  > > run on the client some other way (e.g., daemontools, ssh).  But
>  > > the server expects something to be listening on the client when
>  > > it comes time to do the dump.
>  > > 
>  > > As others have mentioned, you have to configure things for the
>  > > right type of socket - the configuration of the amanda server
>  > > (primarily in amanda.conf / disklist) and client (typically inetd
>  > > config and amanda-client.conf) should match (see amanda-auth(7)
>  > > and
>  > > amanda-client.conf(5)).
>  > > 
>  > > Here's some other good info so you can maybe help yourself and
>  > > understand better how things work:
>  > > 
>  > > http://wiki.zmanda.com/index.php/Quick_start_%28old%29
>  > 
>  > I just discovered that the failing box did NOT have an /etc/amanda-
>  > client.conf, so I copied the one from examples and edited it.  But
>  > the working machine doesn't have one either, so I nuked it. amcheck
>  > didn't care.
> You got that out of my email?
> What about the most important bits:
> two inetd's running?
> and the bind failure?
> And the hint to use the background info to try digging on your own a
> little.  You're doing lots of things and it seems you don't know why -
> just guessing.  That's never a good recipe.
> Your xinetd got a bind failure.  That has nothing to do with amanda.
> Fix that first.

Lets go back to that netstat -na|grep 10080
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN
tcp6       0      0 :::10080                :::*                    LISTEN

So my guess is that -inet_ipv6 option is killing ipv4 on the lathes machine.

manda Backup Client Hosts Check
ERROR: lathe: [Can't open exclude file /GenesAmandaHelper-0.61/excludes (No 
such file or directory)]
ERROR: lathe: [Can't open exclude file /GenesAmandaHelper-0.61/excludes (No 
such file or directory)]
ERROR: lathe: [Can't open exclude file /GenesAmandaHelper-0.61/excludes (No 
such file or directory)]
ERROR: lathe: [Can't open exclude file /GenesAmandaHelper-0.61/excludes (No 
such file or directory)]
ERROR: lathe: [Can't open exclude file /GenesAmandaHelper-0.61/excludes (No 
such file or directory)]
Client check: 3 hosts checked in 2.107 seconds.  5 problems found.

(brought to you by Amanda 4.0.0alpha.svn.4761)

That subdir, which is part of my own scripting wrapped around amanda,
does not exist on the lathes box. nfs is working so I can fix that
from here with mc.  BRB.  Except I can't, only the /home dirs are nfs
shares, damn.

I'll figure out something.

Thanks, that ipv6 only option in the /etc/init.d/xinetd script was it.

Cheers, Gene Heskett
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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Genes Web page <http://geneslinuxbox.net:6309/gene>
US V Castleman, SCOTUS, Mar 2014 is grounds for Impeaching SCOTUS

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