Any other ideas?

One thought is to thwart the common practice of spammers that target
only the secondary MX.

That's actually a good idea :) I'll consider that! But all of our MX records are the same priority anyway, but adding a fake secondary might actually be pretty neat (since spammers mght skip "relay1" and "relay2" and go right for the priority 20 server which wont exist.

In a previous email, you guys asked me to send a debug from a message. Here it is. It seems the "timing" you were looking for is 7566 ms. Our queue on these servers gets really backed up during business hours. Most of the time it is taking about 5 minutes now for a message to be processed from the queue.

We do have IDE drives, but the only I/O I notice is the writing to the log file (/var/log/maillog). I do not have /var/amavis/tmp in a RAM drive, because I monitored that directory and there didn't seem to be too much traffic. Am I missing something? Would moving that dir to memory really help improve I/O?

Anyway, here is the output:

Aug 10 13:57:27 relay1 amavis[29802]: (29802-01) lookup_ldap_attr(amavisspamkilllevel) (WARN: no such attribute in LDAP entry), "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Aug 10 13:57:27 relay1 amavis[29802]: (29802-01) lookup_ldap_attr(amavisspamtaglevel) (WARN: no such attribute in LDAP entry), "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Aug 10 13:57:27 relay1 postfix/smtpd[29864]: connect from localhost[] Aug 10 13:57:27 relay1 amavis[29802]: (29802-01) lookup_ldap_attr(amavisspamtag2level) (WARN: no such attribute in LDAP entry), "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Aug 10 13:57:27 relay1 amavis[29802]: (29802-01) SPAM-TAG, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Yes, hits=11.178 tagged_above=0.01 required=$ tests=[AWL=-1.428, BAYES_50=0.001, FORGED_MUA_MOZILLA=2.303, HTML_80_90=0.146, HTML_IMAGE_RATIO_04=0.105, HTML_MESSAGE=0.001, HTML_TEXT_AFTER_HTML=0.031, HTML_WEB_BUGS=0.035, MIME_HTML_ONLY=0.177, RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_51_100=0.056, RAZOR2_CHECK=1.511, RCVD_IN_SBL=0.107, URIBL_JP_SURBL=2.462, URIBL_OB_SURBL=3.213,
Aug 10 13:57:27 relay1 postfix/smtpd[29864]: E6144BA2995: client=localhost[] Aug 10 13:57:28 relay1 postfix/cleanup[29878]: E6144BA2995: message-id=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Aug 10 13:57:28 relay1 postfix/qmgr[29828]: E6144BA2995: from=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, size=5797, nrcpt=1 (queue active) Aug 10 13:57:28 relay1 postfix/smtpd[29864]: disconnect from localhost[] Aug 10 13:57:28 relay1 amavis[29802]: (29802-01) FWD via SMTP: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, 250 2.6.0 Ok, id=29802-01, from
MTA([]:10025): 250 Ok: queued as E6144BA2995
Aug 10 13:57:28 relay1 amavis[29802]: (29802-01) lookup_ldap_attr(amavisspamtag2level) (WARN: no such attribute in LDAP entry), "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
Aug 10 13:57:28 relay1 amavis[29802]: (29802-01) Passed SPAM, [] [] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Message-I$ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, mail_id: NM+xH6hBsS6u, Hits: 11.178, 7566 ms Aug 10 13:57:28 relay1 amavis[29802]: (29802-01) TIMING [total 7572 ms] - ldap-prepare: 5 (0%)0, SMTP EHLO: 5 (0%)0, SMTP pre-MAIL: 5 (0%)0, mkdir tempdir: 1 (0%)0, create email.txt: 1 (0%)0, ldap-connect: 17 (0%)0, lookup_ldap: 3861 (51%)51, SMTP pre-DATA-flush: 4 (0%)51, SMTP DATA: 189 (2%)54, body_hash: 2 (0%)54, gen_mail_id: 1 (0%)54, mkdir parts: 1 (0%)54, mime_decode: 14 (0%)54, get-file-type1: 21 (0%)54, parts_decode: 1 (0%)54, AV-scan-1: 15 (0%)55, spam-wb-list: 42 (1%)55, SA msg read: 1 (0%)55, SA parse: 3 (0%)55, SA check: 3215 (42%)98, update_cache: 2 (0%)98, deal_with_mail_size: 1 (0%)98, fwd-connect: 13 (0%)98, fwd-mail-from: 6 (0%)98, fwd-rcpt-to: 14 (0%)98, write-header: 4 (0%)98, fwd-data: 0 (0%)98, fwd-data-end: 100 (1%)100, fwd-rundown: 2 (0%)100, main_log_entry: 24 (0%)100, update_snmp: 1 (0%)100, unlink-1-files: 2 (0%)100, rundown: 0 (0%)100 Aug 10 13:57:28 relay1 postfix/smtp[29850]: 5D0EABA2997: to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, orig_to=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, relay=[], delay=8, status=sent (250 2.6.0 Ok, id=29802-01, from MTA([]:10025): 250 Ok: queued as E6144BA2995)



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