> I followed all steps and rebooted the server. I then checked running
> processes in a program called "htop" and I did not see "clamd" or
> "clamav" listed anywhere which I found strange however I do see amavis
> running. I then checked to see if clamd or clamav was running:

ps aux | grep clam | grep -v grep

on a system I have it shows:
clamav    2498  0.0 11.3  60560 58508 ?        Ss   19:57   0:00 /usr/sbin/clamd
clamav    2591  0.0  0.2   2844  1220 ?        Ss   19:57   0:00
/usr/bin/freshclam -d --quiet

> email:~# apt-cache policy clamav-daemon
> clamav-daemon:
>  Installed: 0.93.1.dfsg-1.1~bpo40+1
>  Candidate: 0.93.1.dfsg-1.1~bpo40+1
>  Version table:
>  *** 0.93.1.dfsg-1.1~bpo40+1 0
>          1 http://www.backports.org etch-backports/main Packages
>        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
>     0.90.1dfsg-3.1+etch14 0
>        500 http://security.debian.org etch/updates/main Packages
>     0.90.1dfsg-3etch11 0
>        500 http://ftp.us.debian.org etch/main Packages

So you are using etch backports for clamav. This is fine. You can do
this as an alternate to volatile.

>I checked that file "15-content_filler_mode" and I have some lines
>there but they're all commented out. I am also confused because I was
>told that "50-user" is the last config file to load so anything I add
>in "50-user" will over ride the other config files. Am I missing
>something here or not understanding something? I am still struggling
>to understand Debians approach to multiple config files rather than a
>simple /etc/amavis.conf file. If my amavisd-new config is all listed
>in "50-user", should I still follow your suggestion and make changes
>to "15-content_filler_mode" to get Clamav working?

What you are not understanding is that you can do what you want. It is
generally recommended to place your setting overrides in 50-user, but
it is not mandantory (and on a rare occasion, not the best option for
some settings). I think the idea behind splitting up one config file
into multiple files was to aide with upgrades. If the Debian installer
detects that you have not modified a given config file, it will assume
it can replace it with a new version. This may make it easier for the
package maintainers to perform upgrades. If you have modified a given
file, it may ask you what you want to do during the upgrade (keep the
old one, replace it, etc.). The only purpose of the
15-content_filter_mode file is to enable or disable spam and/or virus
scanning. Personally, I would simply edit that file (probably because
it's easier to do), but if you like, you could copy the required lines
into 50-user. I think the latter approach is more error prone however.

As mouss says, look at your logs. Watching the mail log when testing
is a great way to spot problems. Open an additional terminal session
and tail the mail log while starting amavisd-new.

tail -f /var/log/mail.log

Gary V

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