Steve a écrit :
> Hey! I am Swiss and looking what is happening over in Germany in some area 
> just makes me shake my head. But who am I? I don't get it and probably will 
> never get some of those "strange" laws.

we don't yet have such laws in .fr and I don't read german, but as (I
may) have said earlier, I think the goal is to protect against these
services (anybody said hotmail?) that silently discard legitimate mail.

if you configure your service according to the recipient choice
(including things like "discard if sender user part contains a 'z'),
then I don't see how the law can interfere here.

> Do the German layers and the German law agree on the definition of "harmful"? 
> I would be surprised if so.

if something is "known to be harmful", nobody will disagree. so
discarding melissa or "I love you" infected mail should be ok. i.e. just
because we can't classify every message into harmful/harmless classes
doesn't mean we can't classify some of them.

> Yes. But if this means that running in such a way that this early dropping of 
> unwanted messages results in more resources used compared to running in the 
> "early mode", then I really don't see the point in this "early dropping". I 
> don't agree with you that dropping early is equal in less resources used then 
> dropping later.

if you reject a lot of mail during the smtp transaction, then you save
on disk IO. this is always true if your reject based on the envelope
(before DATA). if you check the content, things get more complicated and
the gains depend on how much junk you reject and how much resources you
have. In particular, pre-queue makes you more vulnerable to DoS (your
checks are driven by the foreign client). it also may cause a client
timeout, which is bad.

but in most cases, performances are not the most critical issue. it is
much more important to deal with FPs (minimise as yu can, and when you
can't, provide feedback, ... etc) and with the junk that you didn't
reject (quarantine? tag and deliver? ... etc). "we" think that "tag and
deliver" or "quarantine" are "the" way to go, but when you look at how
users check their mail, quarantine, folders, ... you get to review this
(at least, this is my experience. and this is why I moved more toward
"origin" filtering as much as possible).

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