Clegg Intercepter receiver for 6 and 2 meters also used the 7360 as a
mixer. In my Squires Sanders SS-1R receiver, with no signals present and
the antenna connected, the receiver is very quiet. It comes to life when
you tune a signal. The receiver was not very tolerant of random length
antennas  or antennas that didn't provide a decent match to the
frequencies you wanted to receive. The 7360 was also used as a balanced
modulator in a number of 60's sweep tube SSB transceivers.

Pete, wa2cwa

On Thu, 06 Nov 2003 09:42:23 -0500 Brett Gazdzinski
> Well, I never even seen a Squires Sanders receiver, let alone 
> listened
> to one!
> I cant recall offhand any other receiver that used a 7360
> as a mixer, but need to look in my vacuum tube receiver book, 
> it lists all the receivers with their tube lineups.
> The ARRL sure liked the 7360, they used it in a lot of their
> receiver projects, in the 1967 handbook anyway.
> I suspect the cost of a 7360 was lower back then, not sure why
> its so expensive now, must be very rare?
> On the lower bands, I am not sure getting a really quiet mixer is
> important at all, but have not tried the other designs yet.
> I never realized just how noisy some receivers are till the 
> first homebrew was done and compared it to the R390A.
> I guess you think its atmospheric noise, or just get used
> to it, but I cant stand the R390a anymore.
> The first homebrew receiver is VERY quiet, but is an odd
> design, I hope the new one is fairly quiet with the design
> I picked.
> If its not quiet, maybe I will try to duplicate the design of the
> first receiver using a 7 or 9 pin tube in place of the 12SA7.
> I am sure there is a tube to replace the 12SA7 in a miniature
> type.
> Maybe I should have planned it that way from the start, go with
> what you know works well, but trying other things is part of
> the fun...
> It will be easy to change the tube type if the first design
> does not work out (6AH6, cathode injected LO).
> Brett
> > 
> > The Squires Sanders SS-1R and SS-IBS both used a pair of 
> > 7360s.  I never had 
> > a 1R, but I  never thought the IBS worked noticeably better 
> > than any other 
> > relatively high end radio with more conventional vacuum tube 
> > mixer circuitry like 
> > the NC400 or the 51J4.  And the thing was harder to align 
> > correctly as well 
> > (maybe that's why I won't impressed = never got it right:)  Scott
> > 

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