What would you build/want as a 40 meter hi fi AM transceiver?
I want to limit the power to the 200 watt and under class, but
can put the high voltage power supply in a separate cabinet/rack, and
sit the transceiver on the operating desk, to save space and weight,
or, run one 4d32 at 100 watts with everything inside one box.
With a separate power supply, I could likely go to 200 watts
out of 2 4D32 tubes, or something different?

It can be simple, frequency select switch, rf gain, S meter, mic
gain, plate tune and load, rit,xit?, bass and treble audio EQ.
I will likely put many meters on it, for grid drive, plate voltage,
mod current, negative cycle loading , etc., can be a multi meter, or
separate meters (I like meters).

Or I could build a regular receiver with regular tuning, and leave the
trans xtal controlled, digital display receive frequency readout.

I can include 2 bandwidth choices, say 5.5 and 4 KHz on the receive filters.

What would YOU want in a 40 meter transceiver for AM?


>  Hello all AM,ers.
>  The 2nd home brew receiver seems done, and now the first one
>  needs some work.
>  I made a change to the antenna input circuit, increasing the gain
>  (reducing the loss) and now strong signals slightly overload the AGC
>  circuit.
>  Both receivers get better and better over time, as I try slight
>  changes to various circuits.
>  During the construction of the 2nd receiver, my nice heathkit
>  S meter hit
>  the floor and broke the cover, so I need a new cover, off any
>  heath meter
>  like the sb series have, anyone got an old one they want to
>  sell/trade?
>  I have a bid in on ebay for an old rusted sb receiver, good for parts
>  and the meter cover, but wont pay a lot for a rusty piece of
>  equipment.
>  Since the shack is cleaned up
>  (did look like a bomb went off in it during construction), I am
>  ready to start on the next project, a homebrew transceiver
>  for 40 meters.
>  I cant think of any good way to use one vfo to do both the receive
>  and transmit, so I may make the transmitter xtal controlled, say have
>  7280, 7285, 7290, and 7295Khz xtals with a switch.
>  You CAN move xtals with a cap, maybe I will try/include that.
>  No tuning for the drive stages since the frequency will be somewhat
>  fixed, reduces complexity and aids ease of operation.
>  The receiver will not need a preselect type adjustment.
>  Output tubes may be a pair of 4D32 tubes, since I have a mess
>  of those,
>  basically two 6146 tubes in one package...
>  Pair of KT88/KT90 tubes in AB1 as modulators?
>  Triodes take too much drive power, and I cant think of
>  anything else for AB1 mod tubes to give 150/200 watts of audio out.
>  Plate voltage on the transmitter will be about 750 to 800 volts,
>  I have some good transformers for that.
>  I have a nice big chassis, tube sockets, front panel, meters,
>  and some nice coil stock to make the PI net coil.
>  I should have a good plate and loading cap for the transmitter.
>  Anyone got any good ideas for the vfo problem?
>  Any other mod tube choices?
>  Maybe I could get xtals made for the receiver LO, and just have
>  the thing like a CB set, xtal control!
>  Sure would be stable and easy to build a xtal LO, with a little
>  cap on the xtal for RIT!
>  Should I use the station audio like I do for the rest
>  of the homebrew rigs, or build in its own audio amp stuff?
>  With the station audio, I have line in and out, mike EQ,
>  compression, and a good microphone.
>  Or I could use the D104 mike like I do on the 32V3,s, and add
>  some homebrew EQ to the front panel.
>  I am having fun already!
>  Brett
>  N2DTS
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