> Geoff,
> I think you missed my point.
> I already have racks and racks full of homebrew rigs, pair of 813,s 
> with various modulators, push pull 812A rig modulated by 811A's,
> plenty of parts to build a pair of 4-125 rf deck, etc, but
> what I want to build is a SMALL tabletop transceiver, both the receiver and
> transmitter in one small cabinet like dx100 size or thereabouts.
> The receiver and transmitter will be homebrew and in the same cabinet...

John Coleman/WA5BXO had this idea a while back...

How about a single 4CX250B modulated by a pair?

The tubes are small and plentiful.  An RF choke to the plate,
a coil tapped for 40/75 (wherever else) switched from the front panel,
final sub-assembly on top of, or in front of the modulator sub-assembly
seperated by aluminum plate, or put the final in the right-rear corner
of the chassis, the modulator in the right-front corner of the chassis, 
aluminum "T" near the center of the chassis, to seperate the rx/exciter,
and seperate the final from the modulator, build some small VFO that
controls both tx/rx, a varactor diode for RIT control, a single IC w/PLL
for the VFO... lots of neat things can be done.

73 = Best Regards,

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