> What would you build/want as a 40 meter hi fi AM transceiver?
> I want to limit the power to the 200 watt and under class, but
> can put the high voltage power supply in a separate cabinet/rack, and
> sit the transceiver on the operating desk, to save space and weight,
> or, run one 4d32 at 100 watts with everything inside one box.
> With a separate power supply, I could likely go to 200 watts
> out of 2 4D32 tubes, or something different?

How about a single 813 modulated by 4 811's, in push-pull parallel?

As long as the mod iron was big enough, or you had a (20Hy@ 300mA)
choke to use as a reactor.

Put it in a 6'tall rack, and you'd have plenty of room for some sort
of low powered exciter.  You could even enhance the audio from the
exciter by replacing the driver transformer with a solid-state audio driving
device (see http://www.qsl.net/wa5bxo/driver1.html).

PLL circuits are abound for frequency stabilization.  The whole exciter
could be made onto one circuit board.  You would however, be required
to use enough RF power to drive the 813, but that shouldn't be hard.

Just some thoughts.

It's ironic that this thread is going on - I've got the B&W tuning cap,
40m plug-in coil, and a chassis... I'm looking to start building a 40m final
using a single 450TL (simply because I have 3, and would like to see 1 modulated
by 2) and the filament transformers.  The idea of a microwave oven door is

Ok - lots of thoughts... good luck with your projects.

73 = Best Regards,

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