   I like the way you sound without any processing to make the modulation more 
symmetrical. Some of us go through great length to taylor the audio to get that 
kind of asymmetry, and with you the audio from your raw voice is "perfect". 
   You might add a speech polarity reversing switch, and if the FCC ever 
challenges you, flick the switch, and back off the audio until the negative 
modulation is less than 100%, and say there, what are you guys talking about? :)
PS: Or maybe run maximum carrier, and run NBFM, or PM. I am currently running 
PM, and had a two way with a fellow on NBFM last night. He had true FM 
detection, and said It sounded like 2 meters FM, with almost 100% silencing of 
background noise...
Jim Candela

"John Coleman, ARS WA5BXO" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have been on vacation to visit the grandkids in Arkansas. Sorry about
the late reply. 
I agree on the blatant abuse VS occasional over the limit. I
feel that the main thing is to keep the signal as clean as possible on
bandwidth due to distortion and phasing products and just be a gentleman
about all. Consider the other guys interests etc. These are
interesting thoughts though. 
I have been altering the shape of the wave form at a low level
point to more equalize the symmetry. I have found it to be a more
soothing sound as most report when there is no QSB or noise but the
unmodified voice at full negative modulation and positive peaks where
the may be, has the most readability when the going is a little rougher.

I can't help but think the difference in the sounds of your
modulation decks must be in the flow of grid current VS AB1, plus just
because a triode has a low Rp doesn't necessarily make it as linier as a
tetrode in the same application and load. As a matter of fact I think
tetrodes especially beam tetrodes make exception modulators. A
modulator doesn't have to work into a varying load over one audio cycle
and should see the same load over all the audio frequencies (hence my
concern over having enough cap and choke for the modulation reactor and
coupling cap). Since the load is near constant and there is no damping
required then tetrodes should be superior modulators especially if one
could put a little inverse feed back on them. I plan on experimenting
with that in the future as well and with AB1 at the grid it should be
easy to do. 

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Brett Gazdzinski
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2003 7:14 AM
Subject: RE: [AMRadio] Re: Modulation transformer ID and repair

Both mod decks are hooked up to the RF deck all the time.
They both get high voltage, but I only turn one on at a time.
Both are driven by the same 120 watt 8 ohm power amp, into LS
output transformers (right and left channels), as is the 811 mod deck in
the pp 812 rig.
All the transmitters should sound the same, since the same audio feeds
The 4x150 (or 4cx250b) sounds best, in AB1.
Yes, lots of current, 500ma at 1000 or 2000 volts, 250 ma each tube.

I have tried just two 100TH tubes, different plate voltages (variac in
yet it just never sounds as clean as the 4x150 deck.

I can also run 100TL tubes, and tried them, same sound.

People over the air cant hear a difference, they say, but its quite
audible in the mod monitor.

My voice is also lop sided, but not as much as yours!
I get the best peaks on the 813/4x150 combo, I don't know what
the actual reading is, as the pep wattmeter only goes up to 2000 watts,
and I have to guestimate by how hard the needle slams into the stop,
but expect its not much over 2500 watts at 600 watts carrier.

If I was to run the rig at 2000 watts pep, would anyone know or care
that I was exceeding the power limit (by a little bit)???

In your case, I would try to limit the positive peaks, say equal
to the negative peaks, and run about 90% modulation.
This will give good audio percentage and a strong carrier.
Positive peaks are good, but I don't think they are effective
on the air, if you have to limit the negative mod and the pep.
better to make sure you go 90% negative at least, and whatever positive,
lower is better to keep it under 1500 watts, although I doubt the FCC
truck will pull up outside the house if you go over 1500 watts pep.
If you ran 10,000 watts pep, someone might notice eventually, but they
Really should pay more attention to the intentional interference on the

I personally don't think they pay any attention to anything other than
Blatant abuse over a long time, and even then, they seem to play games,
warnings, going to court, etc.

AMRadio mailing list

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