From: Brian Sherrod <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

What does any of this K1MAN/W1AW stuff have to do with AM discussion? Let's
get back on track here folks.

Actually, there is a connection with the AM community that hits some raw nerves, besides the longtime QRM to the AM window caused by his 3890 kc "bulletins." Back in the 1980's during the FCC's AM power proceeding, K1MAN filed a lawsuit in federal court challenging the FCC's decision. There was supposed to have been a 7-year grandfather period under the old power rule, after which the FCC had promised to "reconsider, if there is any justification to do so."

During a discussion of the issue with ARRL officials, Dave Sumner mentioned that K1MAN's lawsuit had "hardened the FCC's position," and he thought it would be very difficult to get them to change their minds at that point.

When they went to court, Baxter totally blew the case, according to other AM'ers in attendance. He acted as his own attorney, and during the court proceedings got completely sidetracked onto some tangent about his disaster relief efforts with I.A.R.N. following the Mexico City earthquake (which had absolutely nothing to do with the AM power issue). The judge ruled in favor of the FCC, saying that the court was routinely "deferring to the expertise" of the regulatory agency (the FCC).

Afterwards, I attended an FCC Forum at Dayton, where Johnny Johnston was presiding at the Q-A session. I posed the question, if the FCC was planning to follow up on its stated commitment to reconsider the AM power issue at the end of the grandfather period, in 1990. Johnston's reply: "You took us to court, remember?" When I pointed out that it was K1MAN who took the FCC to court, Johnston's replay was, "As far as I'm concerned, it was the amateur community who took us to court. That's an issue that got caught up in 'circumstances'."

The historic AM power limit may have very well fallen victim to a petty ego struggle between Johnston and his hinchmen at the FCC, and K1MAN.

I've already had two people leave the list

If someone left the list over something so trivial as that one thread of discussion, they must be pretty thin-skinned. I doubt if they were contributing very much anyway. We're probably better off without them. Is the "delete" button broken on their computer?



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