Never said there was a FCC rule limiting Bulletin time. I timed them on
7290 on 4 separate occasions over the last year. If we all had to just
worry about only W1AW "alleged QRM", we should be very happy. They are
small fish in the overall amateur band QRM problems.

Pete, wa2cwa

On Tue, 04 Apr 2006 15:29:24 -0400 "Brian Carling" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Pete what is the FCC rule regarding Bulletins being limited 
> to ten minutes on amateur radio, please?
> > No Mike, I would not expect you to visit the ARRL site for any
> > information.
> > 
> > "One way information bulletins are not illegal on the Amateur 
> Bands"
> > In a 24 hour period, the W1AW  bulletin transmissions generally 
> last 10
> > to 15 minutes or less. There are 3 Code Bulletins, 2 RTTY 
> Bulletins, and
> > 1 Phone Bulletin on the major HF bands. The rest of the W1AW
> > transmissions are generally designated for Code Practice.
> > 
> > This is in contrast to the K1MAN transmissions, which generally 
> lasted 90
> > minutes or more, depending upon the accuracy of his Radio Shack 
> timer.
> > W1AW and K1MAN are not in the same league of information bulletin
> > disseminators.
> > 
> > Pete, wa2cwa
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On Sat, 1 Apr 2006 23:29:51 -0500 "Mike Sawyer" 
> > writes:
> > > No kidding Pete?! Is it my responsibility to check the ARRgghhL 
> web 
> > > site for 
> > > their transmissions? Some may visit it more than others but I do 
> not 
> > > (nor do 
> > > I care). In reference to the broadcasting, this is what I said: 
> "I 
> > > don't 
> > > have a rule book in front of  me but I thought that one-way 
> > > transmissions, 
> > > in and of their self was prohibited by the FCC until this issue 
> came 
> > > up." 
> > > Clue: read the last part of my statement carefully.
> > > Personally, I think that the ARRgghhL should cease and desist 
> with 
> > > their 
> > > one-way transmissions since they never check the frequency to 
> see if 
> > > it is 
> > > in use. I hold them in the same low esteem as K1(wo)MAN. To me 
> that 
> > > is 
> > > intentional QRM and is subject to the same set of rules that you 
> > > cite. Their 
> > > best bet would be to get permission or licensing to broadcast 
> just 
> > > outside 
> > > of the ham bands and not cause any problems to anyone.
> > > Mod-U-Lator,
> > > Mike(y)
> > > W3SLK
> > > 
> > > ----- Original Message ----- 
> > > From: "Peter Markavage" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > To: <>
> > > Sent: Saturday, April 01, 2006 10:57 PM
> > > Subject: Re: [AMRadio] k1man fined
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Slk said, " As a non-member of the ARRgghhL, I do not get their 
> > > reports
> > > or broadcasting (since it is a single transmission to the 
> masses)
> > > schedule."
> > > 
> > > Any of this information is available off the ARRL Web Site 
> whether
> > > you're a member or not. The complete W1AW bulletin schedule and
> > > frequencies are
> > > available off the their web site.
> > > 
> > > One way information bulletins are not illegal on the Amateur 
> Bands.
> > > 
> > > See 97.111 (b)(6)
> > >  97.111 Authorized transmissions.
> > >  (b)  In addition to one-way transmissions specifically 
> authorized
> > > elsewhere in this Part, an amateur  station may transmit the 
> > > following
> > > types of one-way communications:
> > > 
> > > (1) Brief transmissions necessary to make adjustments to the 
> > > station;
> > >  (2) Brief transmissions necessary to establishing two-way
> > > communications with  other stations;
> > >  (3) Telecommand;
> > >  (4) Transmissions necessary to providing emergency 
> communications;
> > >  (5) Transmissions necessary to assisting persons learning, or  
> > > improving
> > > proficiency  in, the international Morse code;
> > >  (6) Transmissions necessary to disseminate information 
> bulletins;
> > >  (7) Transmissions of telemetry.
> > > 
> > > AND See 97.113 (b)
> > > 
> > >  97.113 Prohibited transmissions.
> > >  (a) No amateur station shall transmit:
> > > (1) Communications specifically prohibited elsewhere in this 
> Part;
> > > (2) Communications for hire or for material compensation, direct 
> or
> > > indirect, paid  or promised, except as otherwise provided in 
> these 
> > > rules;
> > > (3) Communications in which the station licensee or control 
> operator 
> > >  has
> > > a  pecuniary interest, including communications on behalf of an
> > > employer.
> > >  Amateur operators may, however, notify other amateur operators 
> of 
> > > the
> > > availability for sale or trade of   apparatus normally used in 
> an 
> > > amateur
> > > station, provided that such activity is not conducted on a 
> regular 
> > > basis;
> > > (4) Music using a phone emission except as specifically 
> provided
> > > elsewhere in this  Section; communications intended to 
> facilitate a
> > > criminal act; messages in codes  or ciphers intended to obscure 
> the
> > > meaning thereof, except as  otherwise  provided herein; obscene 
> or
> > > indecent words or language; or false or deceptive  messages, 
> signals 
> > > or
> > > identification;
> > > (5) Communications, on a regular basis, which could reasonably 
> be
> > > furnished  alternatively through other radio services.
> > > (b) An amateur station shall not engage in any form of 
> broadcasting, 
> > >  nor
> > > may an  amateur station transmit one-way communications except 
> as
> > > specifically provided in  these rules; nor shall an amateur 
> station
> > > engage in any activity  related to program  production or news 
> > > gathering
> > > for broadcasting purposes, except that communications  directly 
> > > related
> > > to the immediate safety of human life or the  protection of 
> property 
> > >  may
> > > be provided by amateur stations to broadcasters for  
> dissemination 
> > > to the
> > > public  where no other means of communication is reasonably 
> > > available
> > > before
> > >  or at the  time of the event.
> > > 
> > > Pete, wa2cwa

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