>> ... As long as we have these self proclaimed Satellite Instructors neglecting
the benefit of Full Duplex operation ...

Who are these "instructors?" Seems that would be a much smaller 
"target audience" for us to educate.

Every audience I have ever presented my sat show to (more than 73 
shows, a few thousand attendees) have heard me state, "It is 
preferable to work the FM birds full-duplex, where you can monitor 
the downlink as you key your mic ... " - and I explain simple ways 
to accomplish that. Same "mantra" in  a couple of CQ Magazine 
articles ... and during a Bob Heil / Gordon West "Ham Nation" 
segment ... same as I have written for Gordon West's licensing 
manuals ...

Well, with just this one "easily-worked" bird (not counting the ISS) 
up there, now more than ever should we be stressing working duplex.

But to be honest with you, after reading another thread yesterday 
regarding the "out of control" nature of SO-50, I had to see for 
myself what the "problem" was. So I worked a mediocre pass (about 
25 degrees - and I only worked the first few minutes - BEFORE it was 
at its best elevation. I worked three states sitting on the grass out 
in the back yard with my demo setup of FT-60R and Arrow. (Don't tell 
anyone, but I did not work full duplex - I needed to see if I could 
experience the total failure to communicate that a couple others have 
written about. And try as I might, I couldn't fail ... After I made 
one call successfully, two others called me from around the country.)

YES - it got a little chaotic. YES - there were cases of people 
stepping on others. But it was not as gruesome as some have written - 
not as bad as a Field Day or a special event weekend. Heck, it was a 
FEDERAL HOLIDAY in the U.S., and I had no problem working three states 
with 2 Watts during the beginning of a 25 degree pass.

Are people getting into this aspect of the hobby with unrealistic 
expectations? And if they are, where are they getting their 
information about working the FM birds? 

Clint Bradford K6LCS
909-241-7666 - cell

Clint Bradford, K6LCS
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