On 9/3/13, B J <va6...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 9/3/13, Clint Bradford <clintbra...@earthlink.net> wrote:
>>>> ... As long as we have these self proclaimed Satellite Instructors
>>>> neglecting
>> the benefit of Full Duplex operation ...
> One thing I've noticed a few times on the linear birds is how some
> stations operate as if they're still on HF.  They sometimes call CQ
> continuously without giving another station a chance to answer.
> Now, whenever I call CQ, I stop transmitting for several seconds.
> That way, if anyone wants to answer will have a chance without us
> talking over each other.
> 73s
> Bernhard VA6BMJ @ DO33FL
> <snip>

I should add that not all operators on HF are like that.  Many are
quite courteous but I've heard a number who won't let someone get a
word in edgewise.  Making a proper contact with them would be


Bernhard VA6BMJ @ DO33FL
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