The emulator uses a software renderer called PixelFlinger.  The G1
uses the MSM7200 chip as a hardware renderer.  You may get slightly
different results.

If you are trying to draw lines that are only 1 pixel wide, ensure the

1)  You are in a native resolution to the screen you're rendering on
(turn all the density and screen-size stuff on in the manifest to
avoid compat mode)
2)  You draw the lines centered on their pixel, so they look a half
pixel off.
-- To draw a horizontal line across the top row of pixels, you need to
make the line with 1.0f and have y be 0.5f (because it will draw from
0 to 1 that way)
3)  Make sure you don't have any z-fighting.  Drawing 2 things on the
exact same plane with depth-test turned on causes bad results on many
opengl implementations.

On Aug 2, 12:14 pm, SChaser <> wrote:
> It is entirely possible that I am doing something confused (not being
> that much of an OGL person), but even then, I would expect to see the
> same results on the emulator and the G1. In answer to another
> question, the demos work fine on the emulator.
> Is it possible that disappearing lines are caused by the emulator
> pixels not matching exactly the Windows pixels to which they are
> ultimately rendered?
> The varying width lines didn't appear until I used extremely large
> (but within the FP range) coordinates on a few lines.
> I'll post the code when I get home and have access to it.

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