Have you tried different values of gl.glLineWidthx()?  0x1 is 1 in
hex, which, given in fixed converted to float = 0.00001 = super,
super, super tiny.  I'd start with 65536 (0xffff if you really like
using hex to represent FP) and see how it does.

On Aug 3, 8:31 pm, SChaser <crotalistig...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Aug 3, 4:33 pm, Indicator Veritatis <mej1...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > But I am surprised no one has mentioned: your settings for glOrtho's
> > near_val and far_val are odd, to say the least. The default is exactly
> > the other way around with near_val=-1.0 and far_val=+1.0. Your values
> > put the near plane behind the viewer, but the far plane in front. Is
> > this really what you want?
> Thanks for pointing this out. I have reversed them (no effect) as a
> result of your suggestion.
> I threw them in at the last moment, well into this thread. Originally
> they were at 0,0 (I'd drawing in 2D), but when I turned on debugging,
> it showed me this was causing a divide by zero (duh - if I'd looked at
> the resulting transform matrix I'd have seen that). So I just added
> the values, and got them backwards.

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