> In a nutshell, what I'm hoping LVL can grow into is a system that
> packages license verification in a way that is really really hard to
> remove.  It seems like we've got half of that equation nicely under
> way with LVL in its current form.

The sort of anti-piracy system you're after is essentially what games
consoles use - it's very easy for the developer, in fact, they need do
nothing at all and (for games distributed online) they are piracy

But the costs of this system are enormous, and problematically, fall
squarely on the device manufacturer (Microsoft/Sony). If Android were
to try and adopt this sort of scheme, you can forget about

- Competing hardware vendors
- Frequent new hardware releases
- Cost-competitive devices (ie they'd be more expensive than the
- Open source

Android obviously chose to go down the route of having a competitive
hardware and software space, at the cost of having piracy.

There is a phone platform that matches the above criteria, the iPhone,
but Apple didn't bother to make the investment in security required so
you get all the downsides and none of the upsides.

> That's not what I was picturing.  Isn't there some way that we could
> do both?  Apps downloaded from market could be encrypted and only
> decrypted by the OS when used (in real time, never decrypted and left
> as an open APK on the device).

This is easily defeated by modifying the (open source!) runtime to
dump the decrypted version.

Worse, once done it applies to every app. We're back to the universal

The reason I keep harping on about strong, app specific code
obfuscation etc is precisely because you DO need to encrypt your app
but you DON'T want to do it the same way as everyone else, which an
Android provided solution would imply.

Nothing says there can't be a PC-style reusable toolkit that you can
easily integrate into your app, but it'd be provided by third parties
rather than the Android project.

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