On Mon, Apr 25, 2011 at 12:12 PM, Brill Pappin <bpap...@sixgreen.com> wrote:
> We have had the same issue with several devices. In our case were noticed
> that some phones do not properly report their resolutions etc.
> Until now we have stridently avoided doing specific device detection in our
> apps, but it has now become necessary to do so.
> We have been thinking of publishing an open source library to handle these
> cases so we can keep the code separate from the application code and can do
> detection/reporting if and when a manufacturer fixes their system.
> We're thinking that we'll get a better library and cover more devices is we
> share the library with all of you, which serves all our interests.
> Is anyone else interested in participating in a library like this?

I have long assumed that eventually we'd need to set up the Android
equivalent of "browser caps"-style databases, to detect varying
capabilities of devices that are beyond the SDK.

If you're going to collect data, I recommend that you aim to be a bit
open-ended about what's getting collected -- IOW, don't just limit it
to screen size/density/resolution stuff. It may be that we can
leverage this project for other device discrepancies, such as "Is it
really a phone?" (e.g., Samsung Galaxy Tab not supporting telephony
stuff despite passing android.hardware.telephony).

If you create a project to collect the data (FluidInfo database?), I
promise to contribute data from my fleet of devices. Or, at least the
devices that still work. :-)

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
http://commonsware.com | http://github.com/commonsguy
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