On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 7:48 PM, Nathan <critter...@crittermap.com> wrote:

> I;ve been trying a gravity sensor and a a magnetic field sensor.
> Nexus One works. Galaxy Tab 10.1 is the smoothest it has ever been,
> but doesn't look correct.
> Droid 1 won't register with a gravity sensor (returns false). Just the
> opposite of what you see with the Xoom.
> I'm back to my original question. In what version was
> Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION deprecated? So far, I am not seeing the
> promise of better results with this method.
> Nathan

You way want to look at the source for the "tricorder" open source app which
uses all the various sensors if present.  It graphs their values and
responds to changes in orientation, so you can compare it to your results.

Also you will want to make sure you are "calibrating" your sensors (the
figure 8 motion thing) on all 3 axes especially if your device is sitting
next to your computer or other sources of interference.  This will always
make it look wrong.

Not to doubt Carlos but if the "OG" ACCELEROMETER sensor was not present on
XOOMs I feel many, many apps would break on it.

Try ORIENTATION vs MAG + ACCEL approaches for your purposes - move the phone
in a sphere, or from in front of you to over your head - take a look at the
values and behavior.  Both will respond to this differently, and will
"break" in different places.  Whichever works for you best is the one to
pick is my 2 cents on it.  Both methods are doing a "sensor fusion" of the
MAG + ACCEL hardware sensors, just using different math for different
results for the yaw/pitch/roll values.  If neither works the way you want,
for example you want skymap style 360 degree spherical stuff, you have to
seek other methods + math etc.

Adam Ratana

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