On Wed, Jul 20, 2011 at 23:48, Nathan <critter...@crittermap.com> wrote:

> I;ve been trying a gravity sensor and a a magnetic field sensor.
> Nexus One works. Galaxy Tab 10.1 is the smoothest it has ever been,
> but doesn't look correct.
> Droid 1 won't register with a gravity sensor (returns false). Just the
> opposite of what you see with the Xoom.
> I'm back to my original question. In what version was
> Sensor.TYPE_ORIENTATION deprecated? So far, I am not seeing the
> promise of better results with this method.
> Nathan

After some digging, looks like my accelerometer events are getting "dropped"
by me because they are unreliable.
I filter the events on the eventlistener:
// If the sensor data is unreliable return
            if (event.accuracy == SensorManager.SENSOR_STATUS_UNRELIABLE)

And they really are. Compared to the N1 I get something differences from 50
to 60 degress between the two (pointing to the same direction of course).

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