
This is Benito from Brazil and I am work on a Android product.

I am facing a patent issue with one driver that is not GPL. It is out of my
control to release it GPL-like (I do not own the patent) but I am authorized
to modify it to meet a feature requirement. I need to export a information
to user space (any application can read) but follow the common way (/sys FS)
will lead to GPL violation (AFAIK use kernel functions to export in /sys
will make the driver GPL too, am I wrong?).

Does anyone have idea on how to avoid patent and GPL violation while still
export the information?

Driver used to export this information through /dev/device_name, however
Google CTS enforced us to change /dev/device_name permission avoiding
applications to access it on behalf of normal user.

Thanks for any direction. My new feature needs this but I don't want to fall
in a legal issue with patent holder neither GPL.

Best regards,
Josenivaldo Benito Jr.*
Contact me: http://www.google.com/profiles/jrbenito

*Por Aurélio Buarque de Hollanda,  elite, do francês élite, significa “o que
há de melhor em uma sociedade, minoria prestigiada, constituída pelos
indivíduos mais aptos”.

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