Thanks Tim for the insights. I thought pre-scheduling would, putting
it into the run queue would load the apps in to memory because they
are in the running state(not actually running but ready to run) isn't
that the case. My question dosen't pre-scheduling do the read ahead?

Thanks for pointing the kernel debug tools, what can I use for reading
the source code? Where I can see all the method calls, will eclipse
do? Since am working on a virtual machine(Linux) and inside it the
android emulator, is there any tool or way to see what registers are
being used likewise(specially for the android emulator). Like the once
you get for embedded development(mplab for example). If there is no
such tool what is general practice in kernel debugging?

Thanks David for pointing out cgroups I will look into it.

On Apr 26, 2:09 am, David Ahern <> wrote:
> On 4/25/12 1:49 AM, Kanishka Ariyapala wrote:
> > My goal is to make those processes(apps defined for that context) in
> > the running sate(high priority) ready to be run(when the user clicks
> > on it) and to decrease the priority of other apps(not defined for that
> > contexts) along with the other normal OS processes.
> > I plan to collect the data for context using the sensor's in the
> > Android, for the beginning with the GPS.
> > In your questions you have attacked the exact point I want! "a tweak
> > to the scheduler algorithms to create the desired scheduling effect
> > once the process comes into existence." under a particular context.
> > So far I have been trying to understand the scheduling process and was
> > looking for a way to add a process to the scheduler, but it is not
> > that simple because a have initialize data structures(like
> > task_struct) and then to be put in to the rbtree. Also to make it the
> > left most node as far as possible.
> > In your opinion how do you think I should proceed?
> Have you thought of using cgroups for this? Create a cgroup for each
> context, assign the running apps to the cgroup and adjust shares to
> effectively increase the priority of the apps.
> David


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