There seem to be 2 separate arguments going on here - one about the
best way to implement non-Basic authentication in AOLserver, and
another about the usefulness of using Digest in the first place. I'm
going to avoid the implementation related stuff and stick solely to the
utility of Digest auth.

On 04/11/2003, at 3:01 AM, Dossy wrote:

Authentication being hard-wired in C and very lightweight (only
supporting Basic auth) makes sense, because authentication checks could
potentially have to be performed for EVERY single HTTP request -- if it
weren't lightweight and wired in C, there could be risk of performance
loss at the auth layer.
If you're using SSL, you don't need Digest auth for most applications.

So our options are either a lightweight implementation with zero real security, or a heavyweight implementation with full authentication and encryption? There's no middle ground?

And, if you're using non-SSL HTTP connections, Digest auth isn't giving
you much security.  It's giving you authentication without transmitting
the shared-secret in the clear, but it's giving you no encryption and
doesn't prevent man-in-the-middle attacks.  It's hardly security.

Digest *does* provide protection against MITM - see section 2.1.2 of RFC 2069 - no intermediate party can retrieve the cleartext of the user's password, turn the user's requests for some URI into requests for another URI, or change the body of the request. Section 2.1.3 describes how the server can additionally let the client know that the response has not been changed en-route.

Let me restate the question a little clearer: other than non-SSL
what specific /application/ uses Digest auth as a must-have

What are you asking for here? RFC #s? business cases? a letter from my manager?

Can you see that transmitting passwords in cleartext is something that
should (all other things being equal) be avoided? I have personally
known people at a major ISP who hung a password-grabber off the side of
the main customer web proxy in a particular city, just for amusement. I
read an article a while (6 months?) ago about a US cable ISP who had
their primary DNS server compromised which then served the address of a
malicious proxy to all their clients. Password sniffing attacks are a
real thing on the internet but because they don't leave us, the
implementors, with the pain of rebuilding a rooted box we don't tend to
care as much as we do about attacks against our own servers.

I'm not asking you to implement it, I just find it hard to understand
how so many people here can believe that there is no benefit at all to
using something like Digest.


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