> This very thread is the proof that there is need for this, or?
> Is this a good enough for you?

Necessity is the mother of invention.  Proof that there is need for this
would be that someone has already implemented it, regardless of whether
they make their implementation publically available.

Having discussion threads about feature requests isn't proof that the
features are necessary.  :-)

To bring one usage that is probably right around the corner is web services and machines communicating without user participation. One actual usage of this is the new ATOM API that is looking to supplement RSS and aggregation. Some background links on this are:


I can see where a lot of web services want more than simple
AUTH but don't want to deal with the client side coding of
SSL in their tools so digest seems at least a little better.

As for implementing digest in AOLserver Rob Mayoff has already
done the MD5 proc in his utils package here:


Anyway I see digest being a popular comprimise in alot of the
client tools that will start to make themselves visible and if AOLserver
wants to interact with these it may need it for web services.

Best Regards,
Carl Garland

PS: Thanks to Nathan Folkman and others I will be starting at
AOL for a contracting position very soon and look forward to
being able to better serve both AOL and the AOLserver

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